Welcome to Cheyenne Field Archers web site. First a little bit about us. This is a nonprofit club dedicated to archery. Most of our shooting and our events are at our indoor indoor range at 7415 Archies Road in Cheyenne Wyoming. Our range is heated, has bathrooms, and allows shots up to 40 yards. The indoor range is available to our members 24/7. There are a few times throughout the year when the club is closed for scheduled events, and these are usually listed on this web site’s calendar. This site also lists the club’s By-Laws and provides other valuable information, like range rules. Membership in the club is very reasonable. An application for is available on this link: membership and registration form for shoots. For more info contact: president@cheyennefieldarchers.com or secretary@cheyennefieldarchers.com.

Archer of Year Charlie Young