Welcome to The Legend!

Wyoming’s home for Archery


Membership Fees

Initiation Fees: All NEW applications must be accompanied by a $50.00 one-time initiation fee. All new youth applications must be accompanied by a $10 one-time initiation fee.

Late Fees: Anyone who allows their membership to lapse for a year will be required to pay a one-time $10 late fee when joining the next year. Anyone who joins the club after a two-year absence will be required to pay the $50 initiation fee.

Membership Fees: Membership fees cover dues for the current calendar year and allow unrestricted access to the club. Membership categories include tire following:

Single Membership: A single membership is $75 annually and covers one individual member.

Family Membership: A family membership is $80 annually, head of household, their spouse and children 17 years of age and under. After 18 they need to have their own membership.

Life Membership: Life membership for family and individuals is $500.

Youth Membership:  Youth membership is $30 annually and is designed for anyone under age 18.

Associate Membership: An associate membership is available for individuals living outside Cheyenne who use the club infrequently. Associate fees are $40 annually.

Checks: Make all checks payable to Cheyenne Field Archers, P.O. Box 20790, Cheyenne, WY 82003.

Contact Cheyennefieldarchers@yahoo.com before making payment as we prorate the membership fee for new members. Also see: https://cheyennefieldarchers.com/wp-admin/images/Membership Fees Prorated_crpd.jpg

Shooting Range Rules

1. GUEST ARCHERS: A member may bring a guest to the Club three times. After the third visit, a fee of $2.00 will be assessed. Leagues are open to the general public.

2.CROSSBOWS PROHIBITED: Crossbows are not allowed on either the indoor or outdoor range. NO EXCEPTIONS!

3. FIELD/ TARGET POINTS ONLY: Field and Target points ONLY are to be shot into the indoor/ outdoor target butts.

4. BROADHEADS: Mechanical/ fixed broadhead and broadhead practice points are NOT to be shot into the indoor or outdoor target butts at any time.

a. Archer must provide his or her own target butt suitable to stop broadheads. The exception: The club does provide broadhead target butts prior to hunting season (Jun-Aug) for members to shoot, but these do receive heavy usage so YOU are encouraged to provide your own broadhead target.

b. If you are caught intentionally shooting ANY broadheads/broadhead practice points into the non-broadhead target(s), your membership will be revoked for one year from the date of the incident. To buy back your membership, you must pay the current replacement cost fee plus your membership fee. Members that bring a guest(s) will be accountable for your guest(s) infractions of this nature. Members and guest(s) will be banned for one year from the infraction.

5.CLEAN-UP: Every member shall be responsible for cleaning up after themselves, making sure everything is turned off (lights, heater, etc.), and locking the door when leaving the range.

6. USE OF RANGE: After an archer has finished shooting, all targets should be removed from butts and properly disposed of. The target position should be moved after every 30 arrows so as to not blow holes in target butts.

7. FIREARMS PROHIBITED: No person shall discharge any firearm in or around the Club. Any person doing so will have their membership revoked and be prosecuted pursuant to the laws of the State of Wyoming. (Please note that this also includes BB guns) No one should carry a firearm into the club for any purpose.

8. SMOKING: Smoking inside the club, is prohibited at all times.

9. ALCOHOL: Consumption of alcohol, on CFA property, is prohibited during all public archery events.

10. BEHAVIOR: All inappropriate behavior, regardless of that person’s standing (member, non-member, participant, or spectator) will not be allowed.

Responsibility Agreement

I have read and understand the Shooting Range Rules and agree to abide by said rules. I also understand that a violation of the rules may result in a loss of membership and/or prosecution.

Your typed name in the signature box at the bottom of the page serves as your signature confirming the above statement.

PDF Application to Fill-in, Sign and Mail: https://cheyennefieldarchers.com/wp-admin/pdfs/MembershipForm2024_ProratedLink.pdf

Online Form to Email:

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Application Type
Type of Membership
Name and Age
Name and Age
Name and Age
Email to webmaster@cheyennefieldarchers.com

Membership Form Revised June 2024